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Anshadar is a small, but growing publisher of electronic novels - tomes of adventure, mystery, and danger thoughout the galaxy. And sometimes right in your own backyard. We specialize in fantasy, science fiction, and horror. We've been hard at work over the past few years, and we are proud to say that we've written and published a pair of science-fiction and fantasy trilogies, as well as some other things you may enjoy.

We're also well-versed in roleplaying games, be they tabletop, online, or of the live action variety. In fact, over the years, we've written our share of rules, rule systems and suplements. We've also played in them, bearing the knowledge of nearly a century between us. We hope to share some of that knowledge and experience with you.

In fact, we've been writing, playing and designing books and games since we could barely walk. This is nothing new. Many of our readers could make the same claim. Then again, many haven't - which is why one of our selections was written specifically for gamers of the earliest age - our children.

Anshadar will be publishing tabletop roleplaying games and game supplements, beginning with Quest! - Roleplaying for Children. With Quest! we present an easy-to-learn system for teaching your young children how to learn roleplaying. We plan to release a number of other works that have been languishing in our collective files, both fiction and game related. There are short stories, RPG modules, and how-to thoughts we’ve written and designed over the years for use with our own house games.

So STICK AROUND, look over our growing collection of published (and soon-to-be published) work. We'll even tell you how you can support us without paying a penny! Quite a claim in these days of unmitigated greed and capitalism.

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