What's New?

Anshadar has a new site

That's right! We've left our WordPress layout and switched our site to a new design. Since two of us are active web developers, it gives us more flexibility and room to grow. After Dave tried fruitlessly to add links to our products and couldn't get the fine formatting control, he decided to make the move. And after creating a new site for his fledgling intenet radio station, he knew just how he wanted to lay this one out. It give us a chance to solidify our brand across sites, using many of the same elements and style. So here we are. It's just the basics for now, but as we grow, so will the site.

EarthZero Radio is now on the air

Carving out our place online is what we love, and Dave has just created an internet radio station called EarthZero Radio. On the Air 24/7, the station plays a selection of tunes from a broad range of rock, prog, and metal. While still in it's infancy, Dave has been busy. Between work, writing and reviewing material for Anshadar, and designing web sites, he's been programming and running EarthZero Radio since August. And he hosts a Live show every Sunday evening called Twisted Dave's Mile High Show. The EarthZero site has widgets for your favorite music player, scheduling information, and a Featured page with all kinds of goodies for you music lovers. Check it out!

What's Coming?

The Death Horde is nearly here

We were so close to having this listed under What's New. That's right - the third book of the EarthZero Evolution is coming, and it's going to be here soon! The writing is done, the cover is already laid out. All we need to do now is review the final edit and make any necessary changes. Then we layout the chapters, integrate the cover and chapers, and send it to the distribution channels. After that, it's only a matter of days before it's sent out to all the book sellers, like Amazon, Kobo, and the rest. We've placed the synopsis on out Books page for you, along with descriptions

Frequently Asked Questions

Welcome to our section of Frequently Asked Questions. We are working hard to answer all your questions, and the best way to ask is by sending us an e-mail.

What are you selling, anyway?

Right now, we are promoting our three books in the EarthZero Evolution series – The Lightbringer’s Sigil, The Anshadar Effect, and The Death Horde, the first three books in the SenZar Evolution series - The Seven Stars, The Roads To Madness, and The End Of All Things, and the game Quest! Roleplaying for Kids. We have plans to release more new fiction and game-related stuff in the near future, as well as re-releasing prior unpublished projects.

Where can I buy your books and games?

Currently, we have links to purchase the digital versions here on our site. We have a ditributor placing both mobi and epub versions with many online publishers in order to bring you our work in electronic format. Some of our e-books and games may be purchased through Barnes & Noble, Apple, Google Play, Lulu, and Amazon. If you prefer to borrow e-books from your local library, you may request them with your online apps, and the library will order them for you to check out.

Do you sell in traditional printed format?

Not at the moment, although print on demand is a possibility we are exploring, if we can get the cost to a reasonable level.

What’s that weird symbol in your logo?

It’s a modified form of the symbol for Heka – which is the Egyptian word for magick. Heka ties into many of the works we’ve created, and we’ve added the image of a book, since we are publishers, as well as a cartouche bearing the company name.

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Privacy Policy

Anshadar, LLC values your privacy. We will never sell or give your information to anyone else.

Note: The links on some pages on this site are affiliate links to products sold by Amazon.com. As Amazon Associates, we earn a small commission from qualifying purchases.

Contact Us

For comments or questions, you may
reach us at the following email link:

