Todd and I are in the final editing stages for The Death Horde, Book Three in the EarthZero Evolution. I am quite pleased. Todd finished the ending, and other than a few things I felt needed clarifying, it’s a knockout! So once we agree on the final changes, It goes to our wonderfully talented editor, James Halford (Don’t tell Todd, but he’s already working on it). I’ve got the cover art already laid out with the title, byline, and all the embellishments. Should hit electronic distribution this fall…

Another thing I’ve been hard at work on is my new internet radio station, EarthZero Radio. I poured a lot of work into it, and realized there are a lot of pieces of album art that’s missing. Normally that’s backfilled by companies like Apple and Amazon, but to get Amazon to do it, I had to become an Amazon affiliate to have access to the API. And to do that, I have to sell a few things through affiliate links. So I thought, I’ll just put some on my web site, right?

Wrong. I spent hours, verging on days trying to lay out some simple ads in the margins. I got so frustrated with this otherwise simple task, I took a step back and said to myself, “Dave, you are a professional web developer, you could have *built* a site in the time it’s taken you to fail miserably to edit this one.” Yes, I talk to myself, but as long as neither I, nor the voices in my head make it a conversation, I think I’m good. I was, in fact, going to upload the new cover and the logo for the EarthZero Radio station, but WordPress is being stupid. Again.

Anyway, cue a new website for EarthZero Radio: – took a couple of days to put that together, but I think it came out well. Go check it out and see if you agree. And, yes, I put some affiliate links to some music-related products on Amazon. I’m planning on rotating the links every couple of weeks, and trying to link to stuff that’s a reasonable price. The station is completely funded by me, and I don’t think the small commission I (hope to) make from Amazon will make any difference. Of special note is that the station is a private, non-commercial venture, and mostly just serves as my soundtrack during the day. Still, I’ve programmed the AutoDJ to play an hour of Beatles in the morning, and switch from less-than heavy during the day to much more crunchy stuff after 7PM. And of course, it’s the new home for my Sunday evening show, Twisted Dave’s Mile High Show (5-9 PM Mountain Time).

You know, that site looks pretty nice, and we want to add links to sell our books on, too. So expect a new web site in the near future. It may or may not have a blog, but probably will, if I can figure out how to export the one we have here to the new site. We’ve talked about what we need to do to ramp up excitement for the series, and there may be a couple of surprises. If I can ever get any damn sleep. Now that we finished Book Three, I’ve got another book I’ve had on the back burner forever.

Anyway, it’s been a while since I posted anything, so there ya go – an actual update.



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