SenZar: Resurrection II

RE: The “SenZar: Resurrection” post (repeated below)… We are in the process of wrapping up editing and cover art (from Faith Newton, and it’s looking fantastic!) for The Saga of the Seven Stars, and VoidSpawn!  Linked via “The Metacosmic Instantiation” to the events, characters, and concepts featured in our “EarthZero Evolution” series, the “SenZar: Resurrection” series illustrates the fractally recursive…

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Stuff and things

Waiting patiently for The Lightbringer’s Sigil to list with Amazon, we are catching our breath and plotting the next steps for Anshadar. We’ve got some new ideas for short stories, as well as updates planned for Quest! The site was redesigned slightly, and we are pretty satisfied with the new layout. Dave went snowboarding in the Rockies and managed not…

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“The Death Horde” cometh…

True! “The Death Horde”, the third volume of “The EarthZero Evolution” novel series, is currently being crafted! We are optimistically scheduled for an EoY 2020 release, and we’ll keep you informed of that status with periodic updates both here and on our FaceBook page:  Stay Tuned! The Vanth’Vash’Var, AKA “The Death Horde”, arrive soon!

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“The Lightbringer’s Sigil” is now available in paperback format!

“The Lightbringer’s Sigil” is now available in paperback format: We are in the process of doing the same with “The Anshadar Effect”, though it is notable that we were informed that there currently is a delay in the actual printing process due to complications from the ongoing pandemic. The fact that our efforts to bring to print a series…

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