SenZar: Resurrection II

RE: The “SenZar: Resurrection” post (repeated below)… We are in the process of wrapping up editing and cover art (from Faith Newton, and it’s looking fantastic!) for The Saga of the Seven Stars, and VoidSpawn!  Linked via “The Metacosmic Instantiation” to the events, characters, and concepts featured in our “EarthZero Evolution” series, the “SenZar: Resurrection” series illustrates the fractally recursive…

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SenZar: Resurrection

Do you like fractal recursion like we do? Then you might appreciate this… Dave and I have had an ongoing side-project regarding the heroes and events from the SenZar novels. We think we shall resurrect and expand upon them, integrating them — fractally — into our current EarthZero Evolution. Back in the 1990s, Nova Eth Publishing, Inc., released two novels: The…

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